
Comparative yields of alkali elements and thallium from uranium irradiated with high-energy protons, /sup 3/He and /sup 12/C

Mass-separated ion beams of the alkali elements Na, K, and Fr, and of the element Tl are produced by bombarding a uranium target with 600 Me V protons, 890 MeV /sup 3/He/sup 2+/, and 936 MeV /sup 12/C/sup 4+/. Isotopic production yields are reported. In the case of the /sup 12/C beam these are thick...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gustafsson, Hans Åke, Bjørnstad, T, Jonson, B, Jonsson, O C, Lindfors, V, Mattsson, S, Poskanzer, A M, Ravn, H L, Schardt, D
Publicado: CERN 1981
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