
Study of the basic properties of low-p/sub T/ multiparticle systems produced in pp collisions removing leading protons

The results of a study of the basic properties of multiparticle systems produced in pp collisions are presented. The experiment was performed at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings at square root s=62 GeV, using the Split-Field Magnet facility. The key point of the analysis is to remove the leading...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Basile, M, Cara Romeo, G, Cifarelli, L, Contin, A, D'Ali, G, Di Cesare, P, Esposito, B, Giusti, P, Massam, Thomas, Nania, R, Palmonari, F, Sartorelli, G, Valenti, G, Zichichi, A
Publicado: 1981
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