
Various experiments with the omicron spectrometer

A series of experiments are to be performed using a spectrometer with both a large solid angle and a large momentum acceptance; it will have an energy resolution of about 1 MeV for particles with momenta up to about 400 MeV/c. Pion scattering from light nuclei will be the prime use of the spectromet...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Allardyce, Brian W, Arnold, H, Bailey, J, Bos, K, Bressani, Tullio, Chiavassa, E, Costa, S, Davies, J D, Dellacasa, G, Frame, D, Gallio, M, Kernel, G, Michaelis, E G, Musso, A, Panighini, M, Stanovnik, A, Tanner, N W, Van Dantzig, R, Van Doesburg, W
Publicado: 1977
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