
Measurement of the K$\_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\gamma$

From a study of 70000 K/sup 0/ decays in the CERN 2m hydrogen bubble chamber, the rate for K/sub S//sup 0/ to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ gamma for different custs in the gamma momentum has been estimated. The results are in good agreement with inner bremsstrahlung on K/sub S //sup 0/ to pi /sup +/ pi /su...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Burgun, G, Bertranet, P, James, F, Lesquoy, E, Montanet, Lucien, Müller, A, Paul, E, Pauli, E, Saetre, P, Sendall, D M, Zylberajch, S
Publicado: 1973
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