
Design and test of a prototype silicon detector module for ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker endcaps

The ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) will be a central part of the tracking system of the ATLAS experiment. The SCT consists of four concentric barrels of silicon detectors as well as two silicon endcap detectors formed by nine disks each. The layout of the forward silicon detector module presented...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Clark, A G, D'Onofrio, M, Donega, M, Ferrère, D, Fortin, R, García, J E, González, S, Hirt, C, Ikegami, Y, Kagan, H, Kohriki, T, Kondo, T, Lindsay, S, MacPherson, A, Mangin-Brinet, M, Mikulec, B, Moorhead, G F, Niinikoski, T O, Pernegger, H, Perrin, E, Roe, S, Taylor, G N, Terada, S, Unno, Y, Vos, M, Wallny, R, Weber, M
Publicado: 2005
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