
The effect of highly ionising particles on the CMS silicon strip tracker

Inelastic nuclear collisions of hadrons incident on silicon sensors can generate secondary highly ionising particles (HIPs) and deposit as much energy within the sensor bulk as several hundred minimum ionising particles. The large signals generated by these 'HIP events' can momentarily sat...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Adam, W, Beaumont, W, Bergauer, T, Bouhali, O, Clerbaux, B, De Langhe, E, De Lentdecker, G, De Wolf, E, Friedl, M, Frühwirth, R, Hrubec, Josef, Krammer, Manfred, Pernicka, Manfred, Tasevsky, M, Waltenberger, W
Publicado: 2005
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