
First full-size ATLAS barrel toroid coil successfully tested up to 22 kA at 4 T

The Superconducting Barrel Toroid is providing (together with the two End-Cap Toroids not presented here) the magnetic field for the muon detectors in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC at CERN. The toroid with outer dimensions of 25 m length and 20 m diameter, is built up from 8 identical racetrack co...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dudarev, A, Arnaud, M, Benoit, P, Berriaud, C P, Broggi, F, Deront, L, Foussat, A, Junker, S, ten Kate, H H J, Kopeykin, N, Olesen, G, Olyunin, A, Pengo, R, Rabbers, J J, Ravat, S, Rey, J M, Sbrissa, E, Shugaev, I, Stepanov, V, Védrine, P, Volpini, Giovanni
Publicado: 2005
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