
The scattering of muons in low Z materials

This paper presents the measurement of the scattering of 172 MeV/c muons in assorted materials, including liquid hydrogen, motivated by the need to understand ionisation cooling for muon acceleration. Data are compared with predictions from the Geant 4 simulation code and this simulation is used to...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Attwood, D., Bell, P., Bull, S., McMahon, T., Wilson, J., Fernow, R., Gruber, P., Jamdagni, A., Long, K., McKigney, E., Savage, P., Curtis-Rouse, M., Edgecock, T.R., Ellis, M., Lidbury, J., Murray, W., Norton, P., Peach, K., Ishida, K., Matsuda, Y., Nagamine, K., Nakamura, S., Marshall, G.M., Benveniste, S., Cline, D., Fukui, Y., Lee, K., Pischalnikov, Y., Holmes, S., Bogacz, A.
Publicado: 2005
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