
Quality Control Techniques Applied to the Large Scale Production of Superconducting Dipole Magnets for LHC

The LHC accelerator, under construction at CERN, is characterized by the use on a large scale of high field superconducting dipoles: the 27-km ring requires 1232 15-m long dipole magnets designed for a peak field of 9 T. The coils are wound with Rutherford-type cable based on copper-stabilized Nb-Ti...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Savary, F, Bajko, M, Beauquis, J, Emelianenko, N, Fessia, P, Hagen, P, Miles, J, de Rijk, G, Rossi, L, Todesco, E, Vlogaert, J, Völlinger, C, Wildner, E
Publicado: 2006
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