
A noiseless kilohertz frame rate imaging detector based on microchannel plates read out with the Medipix2 CMOS pixel chip

A new hybrid optical imaging detector is described that is being developed for the next generation adaptive optics (AO) wavefront sensors (WFS) for ground-based telescopes. The detector consists of a photocathode and proximity focused microchannel plates (MCPs) read out by the Medipix2 CMOS pixel AS...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mikulec, Bettina, Clark, Allan G, Ferrère, Didier, La Marra, Daniel, McPhate, J B, Tremsin, A S, Siegmund, O H W, Vallerga, J V, Clement, J, Ponchut, C, Rigal, J M
Publicado: 2006
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