
The production deployment of IPv6 on WLCG

The world is rapidly running out of IPv4 addresses, the number of IPv6 end systems connected to the internet is increasing, WLCG and the LHC experiments may soon have access to worker nodes and/or virtual machines (VMs) possessing only an IPv6 routable address. The HEPiX IPv6 Working Group has been...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bernier, J, Campana, S, Chadwick, K, Chudoba, J, Dewhurst, A, Eliáš, M, Fayer, S, Finnern, T, Grigoras, C, Hartmann, T, Hoeft, B, Idiculla, T, Kelsey, D P, Muñoz, F L, Macmahon, E, Martelli, E, Millar, A P, Nandakumar, R, Ohrenberg, K, Prelz, F, Rand, D, Sciabà, A, Tigerstedt, U, Voicu, R, Walker, C J, Wildish, T
Publicado: 2015
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