
Prototype with the basic architecture for the CBM-TOF inner wall tested in close to real conditions

Two dimensional position sensitive timing MGMSRPC prototypes were developed for the low polar angles of the CBM - TOF wall. Four MGMSRPC counters were arranged in a staggered geometrical configuration along the z direction, with overlap along and across the strips, in order to define a basic archite...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Petriş, M, Bartoş, D, Caragheorgheopol, G, Constantin, F, Petrovici, M, Rădulescu, L, Simion, V, Deppner, I, Herrmann, N, Simon, C, Frühauf, J, Kiš, M, Loizeau, P A
Publicado: 2016
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