
First LHC transverse beam size measurements with the beam gas vertex detector

The Beam Gas Vertex detector (BGV) is an innovative beam profile monitor based on the reconstruction of beam-gas interaction vertices which is being developed as part of the High Luminosity LHC project. Tracks are identified using several planes of scintillating fibres, located outside the beam vacu...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Alexopoulos, A, Barchel, C, Bay, A, Blanc, F, Bravin, E, Bregliozzi, G, Chritin, N, Dehning, B, Ferro-Luzzi, M, Gianì, S, Giovannozzi, M, Girard, O, Greim, R, Haefeli, G, Hopchev, P, Jacobsson, R, Jensen, L, Rhodri Jones, O, Kain, V, Karpinski, W, Kirn, T, Kuonen, A, Matev, R, Nakada, T, Rihl, M, Salustino Guimaraes, V, Schael, S, Schneider, O, Schultz von Dratzig, A, Schwering, G, Tobin, M, Veness, R, Veyrat, Q, Vlachos, S, Wlochal, M, Wiirkner, B, Xu, Z
Publicado: 2017
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