
The crab cavities cryomodule for SPS test

RF Crab Cavities are an essential part of the HL-LHC upgrade. Two concepts of such systems are being developed: the Double Quarter Wave (DQW) and the RF Dipole (RFD). A cryomodule with two DQW cavities is in advanced fabrication stage for the tests with protons in the SPS. The cavities must be opera...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zanoni, C, Amorim Carvalho, A, Artoos, K, Atieh, S, Brodzinski, K, Calaga, R, Capatina, O, Capelli, T, Carra, F, Dassa, L, Dijoud, T, Eiler, K, Favre, G, Freijedo Menendez, P, Garlaschè, M, Giordanino, L, Jones, T, Langeslag, S A E, Leuxe, R, Mainaud-Durand, H, Minginette, P, Narduzzi, M, Rude, V, Sosin, M, Swieszek, J S, Templeton, N
Publicado: 2017
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