
MQXFS1 Quadrupole Fabrication Report

This report presents the fabrication and QC data of MQXFS1, the first short model of the low-beta quadrupoles (MQXF) for the LHC High Luminosity Upgrade. It describes the conductor, the coils, and the structure that make the MQXFS1 magnet. Qualification tests and non-conformities are also presented...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ambrosio, G, Anerella, M, Bossert, R, Cavanna, E, Cheng, D, Chlachidize, G, Cooley, L D, Dietderich, D, Felice, H, Ferracin, P, Ghosh, A, Hafalia, R, Holik, E F, Izquierdo Bermudez, S, Juchno, M, Krave, S, Marchevsky, M, Muratore, J, Nobrega, F, Pan, H, Perez, J C, Pong, I, Prestemon, S, Ravaioli, E, Sabbi, G L, Santini, C, Schmalzle, J, Stoynev, S, Strauss, T, Vallone, G, Wanderer, P, Wang, X, Yu, M
Publicado: 2017
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