
The Beam Quality Assurance of the MedAustron Particle Therapy Accelerator

The delivery of clinical beams for patient treatment at the MedAustron Ion Therapy Center requires extensive accelerator performance verifications, which are performed in several steps. In first instance, the key parameters of the beam delivered to the irradiation rooms (beam position, spot size, en...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Penescu, Liviu, De Franco, Andrea, Farinon, Fabio, Kronberger, Matthias, Kulenkampff, Tobias, Kurfürst, Christoph, Myalski, Szymon, Nowak, Sebastian, Osmić, Fadmar, Pivi, Mauro, Schmitzer, Claus, Urschütz, Peter, Wastl, Alexander
Publicado: 2017
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