
BLM thresholds. Past experience and strategy after LS1.

The history and motivation of dump threshold changes for the Beam Loss Monitoring (BLM) system throughout the 2012 run are described here. Also discussed are several dedicated beam experiments to probe the quench levels at different time scales foreseen for the end of the current run. The implicatio...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nebot Del Busto, E, Baer, T, Bellodi, G, Bracco, C, Dehning, B, Jowett, J, Holzer, E B, Lechner, A, Salvachua, B, Schmidt, R, Redaeli, S, Priebe, A, Sapinski, M, Wenninger, J, Wollmann, D, Zamantzas, C, Zerlauth, M
Publicado: CERN 2012
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