
The Monitoring of the Effects of Earth Surface Inclination With the Precision Laser Inclinometer for High Luminosity Colliders

Earth surface movements, like earthquakes or industrial noise, can induce a degradation of particle accelerator instantaneous luminosity or even sudden beam losses. This report introduces the HL-LHC project and discusses the importance of monitoring the effects of earthquakes on the present LHC beam...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Di Girolamo, B, Gayde, J, Mergelkuhl, D, Schaumann, M, Wenninger, J, Azaryan, N S, Boudagov, Ju, Glagolev, V V, Lyablin, M V, Shirkov, G, Trubnikov, G V
Publicado: JACoW 2017
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