
Noninvasive LHC transverse beam size measurement using inelastic beam-gas interactions

The beam-gas vertex (BGV) detector is an innovative instrument measuring noninvasively the transverse beam size in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) using reconstructed tracks from beam-gas interactions. The BGV detector was installed in 2016 as part of the R&D; for the High-Luminosity LHC project...

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Autores principales: Alexopoulos, A, Barschel, C, Bravin, E, Bregliozzi, G, Chritin, N, Dehning, B, Ferro-Luzzi, M, Giovannozzi, M, Jacobsson, R, Jensen, L, Jones, R, Kain, V, Kieffer, R, Matev, R, Rihl, M, Salustino Guimaraes, V, Veness, R, Vlachos, S, Würkner, B, Bay, A, Blanc, F, Giani, S, Girard, O, Haefeli, G, Hopchev, P, Kuonen, A, Nakada, T, Schneider, O, Tobin, M, Xu, Z, Greim, R, Kirn, T, Schael, S, Wlochal, M
Publicado: 2019
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