
The RF H$^−$ ion source project at RAL

A project to design and construct an RF-driven long-lifetime volume production ion source producing 30 mA of H− with 50 Hz repetition rate and 1.5% duty factor at 35 keV energy for the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source has been started at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The development of the new ion sou...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tarvainen, Olli, Lawrie, Scott, Faircloth, Dan, Abel, Robert, Sarmento, Tiago Morais, Macgregor, John, Whitehead, Mark, Wood, Trevor, Lettry, Jacques, Noll, Daniel, Lallement, Jean-Baptiste, Angot, Julien, Sole, Patrick, Thuillier, Thomas
Publicado: 2018
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