
First Double-Sided End-Cap Strip Module for the ATLAS High-Luminosity Upgrade

The ATLAS Experiment will upgrade its inner tracking system for the High-Luminosity-LHCwith an all-silicon system. The strip part will be based on individual modules, constructed bygluing the front-end hybrids directly onto the strip side of the sensors. These modules will thenbe glued onto a low-ma...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Wiik-Fuchs, Liv Antje Mari, Parzefal, Ulrich, Garcia Argos, Carlos, Hauser, Marc, Jakobs, Karl, Mahboubi, Kambiz, Rodriguez, Arturo Rodriguez, Prahl, Volker, Ruehr, Frederik, Alvarez, Dario Eliecer Arziza, Bloch, Ingo, Cornell, Sergio Diez, Gregor, Ingrid-Maria
Publicado: SISSA 2019
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