
Commissioning of the electron injector for the AWAKE experiment

The advanced wakefield experiment (AWAKE) at CERN is the first proton beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration experiment. The main goal of AWAKE RUN 1 was to demonstrate seeded self-modulation (SSM) of the proton beam and electron witness beam acceleration in the plasma wakefield. For the AWAKE ex...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kim, S -Y, Doebert, S, Apsimon, O, Apsimon, R, Burt, G, Dayyani, M, Gessner, S, Gorgisyan, I, Granados, E, Mazzoni, S, Moody, J T, Turner, M, Williamson, B, Chung, M
Publicado: 2020
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