
RD53 analog front-end processors for the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the High-Luminosity LHC

This work discusses the design and the main results relevant to the characterization of analog front-end processors in view of their operation in the pixel detector readout chips of ATLAS and CMS at the High-Luminosity LHC. The front-end channels presented in this paper are part of RD53A, a large sc...

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Autores principales: Gaioni, L, Manghisoni, M, Re, V, Riceputi, E, Traversi, G, Barbero, M B, Fougeron, D, Godiot, S, Menouni, M, Pangaud, P, Rozanov, A, Breugnon, P, Bomben, M, Calderini, G, Crescioli, F, Le Dortz, O, Marchiori, G, Dzahini, D, Rarbi, F E, Gaglione, R, Krüger, H, Daas, M, Dieter, Y, Hemperek, T, Hügging, F, Moustakas, K, Pohl, D, Rymaszewski, P, Standke, M, Vogt, M, Wang, T, Wermes, N, Karagounis, M, Stiller, A, Marzocca, C, De Robertis, G, Loddo, F, Licciulli, F, Andreazza, A, Liberali, V, Stabile, A, Frontini, L, Bagatin, M, Bisello, D, Gerardin, S, Mattiazzo, S, Paccagnella, A, Vogrig, D, Bonaldo, S, Bacchetta, N, Della Casa, G, Demaria, N, Mazza, G, Monteil, E, Pacher, L, Paternò, A, Rivetti, A, Da Rocha Rolo, M D, Ratti, L, Vacchi, C, Androsov, K, Beccherle, R, Magazzu, G, Minuti, M, Morsani, F, Palla, F, Poulios, S, Bilei, G M, Menichelli, M, Passeri, D, Placidi, P, Gajanana, D, Gromov, V, van Eijk, B, Kluit, R, Vitkovskiy, A, Benka, T, Havranek, M, Janoska, Z, Marcisovsky, M, Neue, G, Tomasek, L, Kafka, V, Vrba, V, Vila, I, Jiménez, E M S, Lopez-Morillo, E, Palomo, F R, Muñoz, F, Abbaneo, D, Christiansen, J, Emriskova, N, Orfanelli, S, Marconi, S, Jara Casas, L M, Bell, S, Prydderch, M L, Thomas, S, Christian, D C, Deptuch, G, Fahim, F, Hoff, J, Lipton, R, Liu, T, Zimmerman, T, Miryala, S, Garcia-Sciveres, M, Gnani, D, Krieger, A, Papadopoulou, K, Heim, T, Dimitrievska, A, Carney, R, Nachman, B, Renteira, C, Wallangen, V, Hoeferkamp, M, Seidel, S
Publicado: SISSA 2020
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