
Production and decay of $\eta^\prime$(958) and $\eta$(1440) in $\bar{p} p$ annihilation at rest

We report on a study of four reactions in $\bar{\mathrm p}{\mathrm p}$ annihilation at rest, of $\bar{\mathrm p}{\mathrm p} \rightarrow 2\pi^ + 2\pi^-\eta$, $\bar{\mathrm p}{\mathrm p} \rightarrow 2\pi^ + 2\pi^- 2\pi^0$, $\bar{\mathrm p}{\mathrm p} \rightarrow 2\pi^ + 2\pi^-\gamma$ and $\bar{\mathrm...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Amsler, Claude, Anisovich, A V, Baker, C A, Barnett, B M, Batty, C J, Blum, P, Braune, K, Credé, V, Crowe, K M, Doser, M, Dunnweber, W, Engelhardt, D, Faessler, M A, Haddock, R P, Heinsius, F H, Hessey, N P, Kalinowsky, H, Jamnik, D, Kammel, P, Kisiel, J, Klempt, E, Koch, H, Kunze, M, Kurilla, U, Landua, R, Matthay, H, Meyer, C A, Meyer-Wildhagen, F, Ouared, R, Peters, K, Pick, B, Ratajczak, M, Regenfus, Christian, Reinnarth, J, Sarantsev, A V, Strohbusch, U, Suffert, M, Suh, J S, Thoma, U, Wallis-Plachner, S, Walther, D, Wiedner, U
Publicado: 2004
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