
The front end electronics of the NA62 gigatracker: Challenges, design and experimental measurements

The beam spectrometer of the NA62 experiment consists of 3 Gigatracker (GTK) stations. Each station comprises a pixel detector of 16cm^2 active area made of an assembly of 10 readout ASICs bump bonded to a 200@mm thick pixel silicon sensor, compri sing 18000 pixels of 300@mmx300@mm. The main challen...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Noy, M, Aglieri Rinella, G, Ceccucci, A, Dellacasa, G, Fiorini, M, Garbolino, S, Jarron, P, Kaplon, J, Kluge, A, Marchetto, F, Martin, E, Mazza, G, Martoiu, S, Morel, M, Perktold, L, Rivetti, A, Tiuraniemi, S
Publicado: 2011
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