
A Role for the Proteasome Alpha2 Subunit N-Tail in Substrate Processing

The proteolytic active sites of the 26S proteasome are sequestered within the catalytic chamber of its 20S core particle (CP). Access to this chamber is through a narrow channel defined by the seven outer α subunits. In the resting state, the N-termini of neighboring α subunits form a gate blocking...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sahu, Indrajit, Bajorek, Monika, Tan, Xiaolin, Srividya, Madabhushi, Krutauz, Daria, Reis, Noa, Osmulski, Pawel A., Gaczynska, Maria E., Glickman, Michael H.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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