
(667) Antibody Response to Sars-Cov-2 Vaccination in Adolescents Following Solid Organ Transplantation

PURPOSE: Serological responses to Covid-19 vaccines in adults post solid organ transplant are impaired [1]. We sought to measure antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in adolescents post lung, heart, kidney-liver and kidney transplant following the vaccine rollout to 12-17 year-olds in the UK. METHODS: We measur...

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Autores principales: Brugha, R., Davis, E., Low, N., O'Connor, E., Marks, S., Mai, A., Johnson, M., Gilmour, K., Simmonds, J., Grandjean, L., Spencer, H., Goldblatt, D.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Published by Elsevier Inc. 2023
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