
Impact of days elapsed from the onset of symptoms to hospitalization in COVID-19 in-hospital mortality: time matters

BACKGROUND: COVID-19 shows different clinical and pathophysiological stages over time. The effect of days elapsed from the onset of symptoms (DEOS) to hospitalization on COVID-19 prognostic factors remains uncertain. We analyzed the impact on mortality of DEOS to hospitalization and how other indepe...

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Autores principales: Maestro de la Calle, G., García Reyne, A., Lora-Tamayo, J., Muiño Miguez, A., Arnalich-Fernandez, F., Beato Pérez, J.L., Vargas Núñez, J.A., Caudevilla Martínez, M.A., Alcalá Rivera, N., Orviz Garcia, E., Sánchez Moreno, B., Freire Castro, S.J., Rhyman, N., Pesqueira Fontan, P.M., Piles, L., López Caleya, J.F., Fraile Villarejo, M.E., Jiménez-García, N., Boixeda, R., González Noya, A., Gracia Gutiérrez, A., Martín Oterino, J.Á., Gómez Huelgas, R., Antón Santos, J.M., Lumbreras Bermejo, C.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). 2023
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