
Tumor Cellularity Assessment of Breast Histopathological Slides via Instance Segmentation and Pathomic Features Explainability

The segmentation and classification of cell nuclei are pivotal steps in the pipelines for the analysis of bioimages. Deep learning (DL) approaches are leading the digital pathology field in the context of nuclei detection and classification. Nevertheless, the features that are exploited by DL models...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Altini, Nicola, Puro, Emilia, Taccogna, Maria Giovanna, Marino, Francescomaria, De Summa, Simona, Saponaro, Concetta, Mattioli, Eliseo, Zito, Francesco Alfredo, Bevilacqua, Vitoantonio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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