
Higher risk of pre-eclampsia and other vascular disorders with artificial cycle for frozen-thawed embryo transfer compared to ovulatory cycle or to fresh embryo transfer following in vitro fertilization

BACKGROUND: Risks of maternal morbidity are known to be reduced in pregnancies resulting from frozen embryo transfer (FET) compared to fresh-embryo transfer (fresh-ET), except for the risk of pre-eclampsia, reported to be higher in FET pregnancies compared to fresh-ET or natural conception. Few stud...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Epelboin, Sylvie, Labrosse, Julie, De Mouzon, Jacques, Devaux, Aviva, Gervoise-Boyer, Marie-José, Hesters, Laetitia, Jonveaux, Philippe, Levy, Rachel, Sermondade, Nathalie, Fauque, Patricia, Pessione, Fabienne
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Frontiers Media S.A. 2023
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