
Halomonas gemina sp. nov. and Halomonas llamarensis sp. nov., two siderophore-producing organisms isolated from high-altitude salars of the Atacama Desert

INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to identify and characterize novel siderophore-producing organisms capable of secreting high quantities of the iron-binding compounds. In the course of this, two not yet reported halophilic strains designated ATCHA(T) and ATCH28(T) were isolated from hypersaline, alkal...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hintersatz, Christian, Singh, Shalini, Rojas, Luis Antonio, Kretzschmar, Jerome, Wei, Sean Ting-Shyang, Khambhati, Khushal, Kutschke, Sabine, Lehmann, Falk, Singh, Vijai, Jain, Rohan, Pollmann, Katrin
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Frontiers Media S.A. 2023
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