
SpheroScan: A User-Friendly Deep Learning Tool for Spheroid Image Analysis

BACKGROUND: In recent years, three-dimensional (3D) spheroid models have become increasingly popular in scientific research as they provide a more physiologically relevant microenvironment that mimics in vivo conditions. The use of 3D spheroid assays has proven to be advantageous as it offers a bett...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Akshay, Akshay, Katoch, Mitali, Abedi, Masoud, Besic, Mustafa, Shekarchizadeh, Navid, Burkhard, Fiona C., Bigger-Allen, Alex, Adam, Rosalyn M., Monastyrskaya, Katia, Gheinani, Ali Hashemi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2023
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