
Replacing Animal Fat with Gels of Psyllium Fiber and Combined Linseed Oil–Psyllium Fiber in Salamis: Impacts on Technological, Nutritional, Oxidative, and Sensory Properties

This study produced two gels: one solely using psyllium fiber (GP) and another combining this fiber with linseed oil (GL+P). Both gels replaced 15% and 30% of the animal fat content of salamis. The objective was to evaluate the impact of this lipid reformulation on the technological, nutritional, ox...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Jovanovichs, Marcos Roberto Casarin, Pinton, Mariana Basso, Correa, Leticia Pereira, Pedro, Douglas, Mallmann, Carlos Augusto, Wagner, Roger, Cichoski, Alexandre José, Lorenzo, José Manuel, Teixeira, Alfredo Jorge Costa, Campagnol, Paulo Cezar Bastianello, dos Santos, Bibiana Alves
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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