
S100A8 gene copy number and protein expression in breast cancer: associations with proliferation, histopathological grade and molecular subtypes

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Amplification of S100A8 occurs in 10–30% of all breast cancers and has been linked to poorer prognosis. Similarly, the protein S100A8 is overexpressed in a roughly comparable proportion of breast cancers and is also found in infiltrating myeloid-lineage cells, again linked to po...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Børkja, Mathieu Le Boulvais, Giambelluca, Miriam S., Ytterhus, Borgny, Prestvik, Wenche S., Bjørkøy, Geir, Bofin, Anna M
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer US 2023
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