
Effect of an NGR Peptide on the Efficacy of the Doxorubicin Phospholipid Delivery System

This study is a continuation of an investigation into the effect of a targeted component, a peptide with an NGR, on the properties of the previously developed doxorubicin phospholipid delivery system. The NGR peptide has an affinity for aminopeptidase N (known as the CD13 marker on the membrane surf...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kostryukova, Lyubov V., Tereshkina, Yulia A., Tikhonova, Elena G., Khudoklinova, Yulia Yu., Bobrova, Daria V., Gisina, Alisa M., Morozevich, Galina E., Pronina, Veronica V., Bulko, Tatiana V., Shumyantseva, Victoria V.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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