
‘PartBreCon’ study. A UK multicentre retrospective cohort study to assess outcomes following PARTial BREast reCONstruction with chest wall perforator flaps

BACKGROUND: Partial breast reconstruction with a pedicled chest wall perforator flap (CWPF) enables breast conservation in a higher tumour: breast volume ratio scenario. Since there is limited evidence, this retrospective cohort study aimed to ascertain immediate (30-days) and medium-term (follow-up...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Agrawal, A., Romics, L., Thekkinkattil, D., Soliman, M., Kaushik, M., Barmpounakis, P., Mortimer, C., Courtney, C.A., Goyal, A., Garreffa, E., Carmichael, A., Lane, R.A., Rutherford, C., Kim, B., Achuthan, R., Pitsinis, V., Goh, S., Ray, B., Grover, K., Vidya, R., Murphy, J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2023
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