
Versorgungsforschung in Deutschland in Zeiten von COVID-19: Wie beeinflusst die Pandemie Forschungsprozesse, Methoden und die persönliche Situation von Forschenden? Eine Online-Befragung

The COVID-19 pandemic has a massive impact on social life, the healthcare system, and also on health services research. However, the effects of the pandemic on research processes, methods, and the personal situation of researchers has not been investigated so far. Guided by the question of how resea...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Schnack, Helge, Lubasch, Johanna Sophie, Zinkevich, Anna, Pawel, Amelie, Uthoff, Sarah Anna Katharina, Ansmann, Lena, von Kutzleben, Milena
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Georg Thieme Verlag 2023
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