
The dilatable membrane of oleosomes (lipid droplets) allows their in vitro resizing and triggered release of lipids

It has been reported that lipid droplets (LDs), called oleosomes, have an inherent ability to inflate or shrink when absorbing or fueling lipids in the cells, showing that their phospholipid/protein membrane is dilatable. This property is not that common for membranes stabilizing oil droplets and wh...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ntone, Eleni, Rosenbaum, Benjamin, Sridharan, Simha, Willems, Stan B. J., Moultos, Othonas A., Vlugt, Thijs J. H., Meinders, Marcel B. J., Sagis, Leonard M. C., Bitter, Johannes H., Nikiforidis, Constantinos V.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023
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