
Dual hormone fully closed loop in type 1 diabetes: a randomised trial in the Netherlands – study protocol

INTRODUCTION: The management of type 1 diabetes (T1DM) has undergone significant advancements with the availability of novel technologies, notably continuous and flash glucose monitoring (CGM and FGM, respectively) and hybrid closed loop (HCL) therapy. The dual hormone fully closed loop (DHFCL) appr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Jancev, Milena, Snoek, Frank J, Frederix, Geert W J, Knottnerus, Heleen, Blauw, Helga, Witkop, Maureen, Moons, Karel G M, van Bon, Arianne C, DeVries, J Hans, Serné, Erik H, van Sloten, Thomas T, de Valk, Harold W
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BMJ Publishing Group 2023
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