
Using available in vitro metabolite identification and time course kinetics for β-chloroprene and its metabolite, (1-chloroethenyl) oxirane, to include reactive oxidative metabolites and glutathione depletion in a PBPK model for β-chloroprene

Introduction: ß-chloroprene (2-chloro-1,3-butadiene; CP) causes lung tumors after inhalation exposures in rats and mice. Mice develop these tumors at lower exposures than rats. In rats CP exposures cause depletion of lung glutathione (GSH). Methods: PBPK models developed to relate the appearance of...

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Autores principales: Campbell, J. L., Clewell, H. J., Van Landingham, C., Gentry, P. R., Andersen, M. E.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Frontiers Media S.A. 2023
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