
Genomes of two type strains of the Rhizobium tropici group: R. calliandrae CCGE524(T) and R. mayense CCGE526(T)

The genome sequences of two nitrogen-fixing type strains of the Rhizobium tropici group were obtained: Rhizobium calliandrae CCGE524(T) and R. mayense CCGE526(T). Genomic analyses confirmed their taxonomic position and identified three complete sequences of the repABC genes, indicative of three plas...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Moura, Fernanda Terezinha, Helene, Luisa Caroline Ferraz, Klepa, Milena Serenato, Ribeiro, Renan Augusto, Nogueira, Marco Antonio, Hungria, Mariangela
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Society for Microbiology 2023
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