
THU491 GRHL2 Overexpression In Breast Cancer Progression

Disclosure: C. Zheng: None. K.O. Allen: None. R. Reese: None. N.M. Solodin: None. J. Vera: None. S. Mcilwain: None. T. Liu: None. E.T. Alarid: None. Metastasis constitutes the permissive migration and growth of cancerous cells from the primary tumor to a distant location in the body. Epithelial to m...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zheng, Christy, Allen, Kaelyn O, Reese, Rebecca, Solodin, Natalia M, Vera, Jessica, Mcilwain, Sean, Liu, Tianrui, Alarid, Elaine T
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2023
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