
THU642 Progression To Cirrhosis And All-cause Mortality Are Increased In Postmenopausal Women With NAFLD

Disclosure: C. Izzi-Engbeaya: None. P. Eng: None. A. Dunin-Borkowska: None. R. Forlano: None. B.H. Mullish: None. G. Sigon: None. V. Lin: None. T. Tan: None. M. Yee: None. P. Manousou: None. W.S. Dhillo: None. Background: Up to 30% of adults worldwide are estimated to have Non-alcoholic Liver Diseas...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Izzi-Engbeaya, Chioma, Eng, Pei Chia, Dunin-Borkowska, Aleksandra, Forlano, Roberta, Mullish, Benjamin H, Sigon, Giordano, Lin, Vicky, Tan, Tricia, Yee, Michael, Manousou, Pinelopi, Dhillo, Waljit Singh
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2023
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