
SAT052 Prolonged Nursing Augments Short Chain Fatty Acid Levels And Leads To Amelioration Of Type 1 Diabetes

Disclosure: S. rafiqi: None. Z. Zahid: None. R. Lamendella: None. O. aghogho: None. E. Gionfriddo: None. Y. Tao: None. J.C. Jaume: None. S. Imam: None. The infant gut microbiome essentially shifts to a diverse and complex microbial system during weaning on separation from the mother and any perturba...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Imtiaz rafiqi, Shafiya, Zahid, Zeeshan, Lamendella, Regina, aghogho, olomukoro, Gionfriddo, Emanuela, Tao, Yang, Jaume, Juan C, Imam, Shahnawaz
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2023
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