
Profil épidémio-clinique et séminal de l’homme consultant pour désir de procréation: état des lieux à Lubumbashi, en République Démocratique du Congo

INTRODUCTION: in Lubumbashi, as in upscale areas where explorations of fertility are very clever, the spermogram remains the essential analysis in the diagnosis of male infertility. This is the cause of 40% of couple infertility. The spermogram is the first step in identifying seminal abnormalities....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mwamba, Jean Jimmy Kalfando, Mukuku, Olivier, Kasongo, Kumelundu, Tamubango, Herman Kitoko, Kibwe, Cynthia Mwenya, Tshikala, Ignace Nday, Kabue, Jeannot Bakajika, Ilunga, Jean-Paul Nkenga, Mumbere, Philémon Matumo, Iteke, Rivain Fefe, Nsambi, Joseph Bulanda, Kakudji, Prosper Luhete, Kinenkinda, Xavier Kalume, Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The African Field Epidemiology Network 2023
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