
FT-Raman Methodology Applied to Study the Effect of Time and Type of Seasoning in the Crafting of Sherry Casks(®) Used in the Aging of Brandy De Jerez

Brandy de Jerez is a grape-derived spirit produced in Southern Spain with specific characteristics that come from the casks where it is produced, which must have previously contained some type of Sherry wine for at least 12 months. These casks are known as Sherry Cask(®). In this work, Brandies de J...

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Autores principales: Guerrero-Chanivet, María, Guillén-Sánchez, Dominico A., Valcárcel-Muñoz, Manuel José, García-Moreno, M. Valme, Anjos, Ofelia
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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