
Unexpected Dramatic Evolution of Placenta Increta: Case Report and Literature Review

Placental morbid adherence is a known risk factor for postpartum hemorrhage. The incidence of abnormal placental attachment has been increasing over the past few decades, mainly due to rising rates of cesarean deliveries, advanced maternal age, and the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Cesa...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tîrnovanu, Mihaela Camelia, Tîrnovanu, Vlad Gabriel, Toma, Bogdan, Toma, Loredana, Țarcă, Elena, Stătescu, Laura, Tîrnovanu, Ștefan Dragoș, Ungureanu, Carmen, Trandafirescu, Mioara Florentina, Bernic, Jana, Cojocaru, Elena
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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