
2905. Development of a Desirability of Outcome Ranking (DOOR) for Skin Infection Clinical Trials

BACKGROUND: Infectious disease clinical trials treatment outcomes have almost exclusively been dichotomized into cure and failure. The novel Desirability of Outcome Ranking (DOOR) method uses a hierarchical ordinal outcome of intervention outcomes. DOOR measures are more sensitive for detection of d...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Miller, Loren G, Phan Tran, Donna, Flores, Evelyn A, Liu, Honghu, Weidmer, Beverly A, Kupferwasser, Deborah, Boyle, Mary G, Williams, Pluscedia, Zhou, Linyu, Huang, Yilan, Evans, Scott R, Fritz, Stephanie A
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2023
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