
2818. Investigating Urinalysis Criteria that Predict UTI: Impact of age, sex, and urine culture thresholds

BACKGROUND: Urinalysis (UA) results are used by clinicians and laboratories to aid in the diagnosis of UTI. However, optimal UA parameters have not been systematically investigated or validated for different populations. Our objectives were to assess the performance of UA in predicting UTI and to st...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Advani, Sonali, North, Rebecca M, Turner, Nicholas A, Ahmadi, Sahra, Denniss, Julia, Francis, Adero, Hasan, Anum, Johnson, Rachel M, Mirza, Faryal, Pardue, Sarah, Rao, Meghana V, Rosshandler, Yasmin, Tang, Helen, Schmader, Kenneth E, Anderson, Deverick J
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2023
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