
Mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate and mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate as biomarkers for human exposure assessment to di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate.

Exposure to di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is prevalent based on the measurement of its hydrolytic metabolite mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP) in the urine of 78% of the general U.S. population studied in the 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). However, despi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kato, Kayoko, Silva, Manori J, Reidy, John A, Hurtz, Donald, Malek, Nicole A, Needham, Larry L, Nakazawa, Hiroyuki, Barr, Dana B, Calafat, Antonia M
Formato: Texto
Publicado: 2004
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